How I got here ....

I didn't always turn left. In fact the first time I did so and paid for it myself was about five years ago after a disastrous return trip from Fort Myers to Oslo. What should have been an easy trip with just one change of plane in Newark turned into something else entirely when a storm dumped a couple of feet of snow on New York, closing all airports in the North East of the US. To cut a long story short, the return journey went something like this: Fort Myers - Dusseldorf ~ Frankfurt (where a truck managed to back into the plane rendering it unflyable) - new flight from Frankfurt - Oslo. In the back of the plane. Took almost 24 hours, so my other half declared that it was time to start travelling in more comfort. I didn't protest.

After years of travelling around the world in the back (102 countries and all 50 states of the US included), my recent journeys have involved turning left at the plane door. At least the intercontinental ones. Thus the title of this blog.


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